Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Completing story: Honesty is the best policy.

Title: An honest woodcutter

Once there were a wood-cutter lived in a village. He sold the wood in the market and earns money. One day he went to the forest to cut the wood near river. When he was cutting the wood by axe suddenly his axe slipped from his hands and fell into the deep water of the river.

The river was deep. He could not take his axe out. He sat on the bank and began to weep.

Mercury, the god of water appeared. He asked the reason of his weeping. The woodcutter told the whole story. Mercury dived into the water and brought a golden axe. The woodcutter refused to take it. Mercury again dived and brought a silver axe. The woodcutter did not take it either. Then he brought an iron axe. The woodcutter took it gladly. Mercury was much pleased. He rewarded the woodcutter with the other two axes.

Moral: Be Honest. Honesty is always rewarded. Honesty is the best policy - Benjamin Franklin.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Word Treasur - Traffic Jam

Paragraph: Traffic Jam

Write a paragraph in 150 words about ‘Traffic Jam’. Your writing should address the following questions:-

a) What traffic jam?
b) Why does traffic jam occur?
c) How do people suffer for it?
d) How can the problem be solved?
e) Why should we need to solve it?

Traffic jam is a serious road hazard today. It is a common affair in the big cities and towns. It occurs due to a heavy rush of vehicles of the roads. It occurs mainly near the bus stand, railway crossing and turning of a road or near a big market. Many are the causes of a traffic jam. They are the rapid growth of population, increasing the number of vehicles, want of sufficient spacious roads, wants of sufficient traffic police, violation of traffic laws and the like. Heavy traffic jam occurs during the peak hours of the day. It causes a lot of sufferings to the people. It kills our time and hampers our works greatly. It causes much more sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. The solution to the problem is the crying need of the day. The sooner the problem is solved, the better - the better not only for saving time but also for saving a life.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Completing story- Slow and steady wins the race

   Title: The hare and the tortoise

Once there lived a hare in a jungle. A tortoise also lived nearby. One day the hare insulted the tortoise for its slow pace. Then the tortoise proposed her for a race.

They started the running race. The hare ran very fast. Soon she found the tortoise far behind her. Then she stopped and planned for a good sleep thinking that the tortoise has covered a few yards by this time. So saying, the hare went to sleep in a bush.

 But the tortoise walked very slowly. He did not stop anywhere. The tortoise found the hare lying fast asleep.

 Many hours later the hare woke up and saw its evening. She began to run very fast. But alas! The tortoise had already crossed the winning post.

At last, the tortoise won the race. The hare felt much ashamed.

Moral: It is said that slow and steady wins the race.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Completing Story - Where there is a will there is a way.

          Title: A thirsty crow

It was summer. The day was very hot. A crow became very thirsty. It flew here and there in search of water. But it did not find water anywhere.

At last he saw a jar at a distance. He flew down to it. There was a little water at the bottom of the jar. But it was too low for the crow. The crow tried to upset the jar. But the crow was not too strong to do it.

The crow was in a fix what to do.  At last it saw some pebbles near the jar. It picked up the pebbles one by one and threw them into the jar. Gradually the water came up. Then the crow drank water and flew away.

Moral: Nothing is impossible. Think and work hard, you may find solution to any problem.